Current Distribution and Franchise Law

  • A single trafficking victim receives more than 3 million euros in compensation

    A single trafficking victim receives more than 3 million euros in compensation

    May 10 , 2024 // Specialty : Liability derived from the use of motor vehicles

    Published in ABC

    For the first time, since the publication of the new auto scale, an individual victim of a traffic accident is compensated with an amount greater than 3,300,000 euros. The insurer of the offending driver has been ordered to pay said amount as civil liability. For his part, the driver has ...

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  • Civil Liability Insurance: what it is and why it is important to be insured

    Civil Liability Insurance: what it is and why it is important to be insured

    April 10 , 2024 // Specialty

    Published in Granada Hoy

    In life, different situations and circumstances can occur that cause damage to personal assets. The solution and repair of individual properties must be covered through insurance that is solvent and effective in the event of a claim made by a person. For this reason, Civil Liability Insurance is ...

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  • The civil liability of robots (and III)

    The civil liability of robots (and III)

    March 14 , 2024 // Specialty

    Published in El Economista

    The literal wording refers to the "injured person", which seems to extend beyond the consumer, but the reality seems to be different, and that is that this Law grants protection specifically to consumers and users, and not to any potential person harmed by the damage caused by the defective produ ...

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  • The civil liability of robots

    The civil liability of robots

    January 19 , 2024 // Specialty

    Published in El Economista

    The concept of a robot is not something new, since the birth of robotics there have been many different meanings that have been given to the word depending on the technological development of the stage in question. The most essential characteristic of the robot is that of possessing artif ...

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  • Compensation of 130,000 euros for losing an eye after a beer bottle exploded

    Compensation of 130,000 euros for losing an eye after a beer bottle exploded

    December 15 , 2023 // Specialty

    Published in El Independiente

    The Supreme Court (TS) has confirmed the almost 130,000 euros in compensation for the owner of a bar who lost an eye due to the explosion of a beer bottle, considering that it was an "unusual" event whose consequences must be repaired even though the responsible company did not have any "reckless ...

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  • Work accidents and employers' civil liability

    Work accidents and employers' civil liability

    November 22 , 2023 // Specialty

    Published in El Comercio

    Article 156.1 of the General Social Security Law, approved by RDL 8/2015, of October 30, provides that: "A work accident is understood to be any bodily injury that the worker suffers on the occasion or as a consequence of the work that executed on behalf of others. When a work accident oc ...

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  • Dog liability insurance: here's what you need to know

    Dog liability insurance: here's what you need to know

    October 26 , 2023 // Specialty

    Published in El Periódico de España

    The new animal law forces owners to have compulsory civil liability insurance until now only necessary for 'potentially dangerous' ones. Pets give life to homes and become another member of the family. Ensuring their well-being and taking care of pets as they deserve should be one of the ...

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  • The Government explains which home insurance will be valid to cover the civil liability of the dog

    The Government explains which home insurance will be valid to cover the civil liability of the dog

    September 27 , 2023 // Specialty : Liability of a condominium

    Published in Animals Health

    The general directorates of Insurance and Pension Funds and the Directorate of Animal Rights have published an informative note on civil liability insurance for dog owners included in Law 7/2023, of March 28, on the Protection of rights and the welfare of animals. In the document they poi ...

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  • Artificial intelligence and civil liability

    Artificial intelligence and civil liability

    August 13 , 2023 // Specialty

    Published in Lau & Trends

    Artificial intelligence has undergone a dizzying evolution in recent decades and we can affirm that it is present in all areas likely to generate legal relationships deserving of protection. We can define artificial intelligence following the Resolution on Civil liability regime for artif ...

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  • Franchise insurance is a very good option if you want to hire cheap insurance

    Franchise insurance is a very good option if you want to hire cheap insurance

    July 06 , 2023 // Specialty : Liability derived from the use of motor vehicles

    Published in Diario Motor

    If you have recently bought a car, you will know that one of the things you must do to be able to drive with your car is to take out insurance. If you are new to the world of insurance, it is normal for you to have many doubts, since there are different types and each one can offer different cove ...

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  • Why your company needs General Civil Liability Insurance

    Why your company needs General Civil Liability Insurance

    May 03 , 2023 // Specialty

    Published in INESE

    In addition to focusing on generating as much money as possible, companies must make an effort to guarantee the safety of their employees, having policies that can protect them against any type of accident. From this need, the concept of civil liability insurance for companies was born, which we ...

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  • Never stop reading the fine print on Civil Liability insurance

    Never stop reading the fine print on Civil Liability insurance

    April 07 , 2023 // Specialty : Professional Liability: lawyers, doctors and other professionals

    Published in Gaceta Médica

    Civil liability is a major concern for any professional, but in the healthcare sector, where the impact of malpractice can be devastating, the need to protect yourself is even greater. There are many risks when choosing a liability policy, and not all insurance companies offer adequate coverage. ...

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  • Everything you need to know about mandatory dog insurance

    Everything you need to know about mandatory dog insurance

    March 10 , 2023 // Specialty

    Published in El Correo

    After a few days of negotiation and quite a bit of controversy, the Congress of Deputies finally gave the green light to the long-awaited Animal Welfare Law on February 9. Now the law has been sent to the Senate, where it must continue to be processed, but pending changes, we can already know the ...

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  • In which cases is it recommended that the self-employed have civil liability insurance?

    In which cases is it recommended that the self-employed have civil liability insurance?

    February 08 , 2023 // Specialty : Professional Liability: lawyers, doctors and other professionals

    Published in Telemadríd

    Civil Liability insurance is not mandatory for the self-employed except in specific cases that mark their activity. However, it is the best weapon to safeguard the professional's assets, as explained to us by Juan Antonio Marín, president of FECOR (Federation of Professional Organizations ...

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  • What is the residual role of civil liability in relations between community members?

    What is the residual role of civil liability in relations between community members?

    January 27 , 2023 // Specialty : Liability of a condominium

    Published in Ambito Jurídico

    A citizen requested to declare her counterpart civilly responsible for the extra-contractual liability regime for unilaterally occupying several assets without the consent of another community member. Consequently, she claimed that the defendant be ordered to pay her 50% of all the fruits that sh ...

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  • What are the criminal and civil consequences that derive from the exclusive fault of the victim in a traffic accident?

    What are the criminal and civil consequences that derive from the exclusive fault of the victim in a traffic accident?

    January 20 , 2023 // Specialty : Liability derived from the use of motor vehicles

    Published in El Derecho

    APPROACH In a traffic accident, there is not always a direct fault of the driver causing the accident, but rather many circumstances that contribute to its occurrence. In this case, when we analyze what the victim's conduct was, we can give rise to assessing the influence that this had on ...

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  • Judges warn insurers that not everything goes when it comes to taking out insurance

    Judges warn insurers that not everything goes when it comes to taking out insurance

    November 30 , 2022 // Specialty

    Published in Economist & Jurist

    "The lack of transparency is what causes this sector to have so much litigation" As was revealed at the XXII Congress of Civil Liability and Insurance Lawyers held in Barcelona, o ...

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  • The US capital will cover the civil liability of half the SNS

    The US capital will cover the civil liability of half the SNS

    November 17 , 2022 // Specialty : Professional Liability: lawyers, doctors and other professionals

    Billionaire Warren Buffett's company takes over the civil liability policies of half of Spain. The entry of US capital into Spain revolutionizes the future of civil liability insurance in the National Health System (SNS). After the pandemic, most of the autonomous communities were seeing how it w ...

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  • Health Professional Civil Liability insurance will no longer be offered by some insurers

    Health Professional Civil Liability insurance will no longer be offered by some insurers

    November 09 , 2022 // Specialty : Professional Liability: lawyers, doctors and other professionals

    Published in Acta Sanitaria

    The Uniteco Professional insurance brokerage has warned that healthcare companies and professionals are "at risk", since "some insurance companies stop offering Healthcare Professional Civil Liability insurance", in the face of which it assures that it has developed "programs that provide solutio ...

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  • The importance of professional civil liability insurance for your company or organization

    The importance of professional civil liability insurance for your company or organization

    October 07 , 2022 // Specialty

    Published in Diario Jurídico

    In cases of losses of any kind, being mainly economic losses caused by some specific mishap, it is essential to have the services of an insurance company, which from the payment of a premium covers the damages caused to third parties, to ...

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  • Tort law or civil liability?

    Tort law or civil liability?

    June 24 , 2022 // Specialty

    Published in Idealex

    Although, during the last decades both notions have been getting closer, deep structural differences persist that determine the way of applying and developing the Law. Negligence and caus ...

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  • Weddings, baptisms and communions: guide to complain about bad service

    Weddings, baptisms and communions: guide to complain about bad service

    June 03 , 2022 // Specialty : Consumer Rights: consumers and users defense

    Published in La Razón

    Having a contract where all the details and conditions are recorded is key, not only to be guaranteed a good service, but also to have more options to claim in case of disagreement with the company. After two years postponing the celebrations due to the health crisis, this spring has brou ...

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  • Robots and Civil Liability

    Robots and Civil Liability

    April 22 , 2022 // Specialty

    Published in Asuntos Legales

    Nothing better than science fiction literature to give us an approximation to the cases that, i ...

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  • Cyber scams, mules and the civil liability of banks in this type of crime

    Cyber scams, mules and the civil liability of banks in this type of crime

    April 08 , 2022 // Specialty : Professional Liability: lawyers, doctors and other professionals

    Published in Legal Today

    Cyber ​​scams are on the rise, in vogue: their rise and frequency is unstoppable. Like all human pr ...

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  • Civil liability insurance, why should managers and directors hire it?

    Civil liability insurance, why should managers and directors hire it?

    March 25 , 2022 // Specialty : Professional Liability: lawyers, doctors and other professionals

    Published in Qué!

    Company directors and administrators must be clear that their professional development entails risks and responsibilities of ...

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  • Atra warns about the civil liability of the testers in the workshop:

    Atra warns about the civil liability of the testers in the workshop:

    February 04 , 2022 // Specialty

    Published in Info Taller

    The employer warns that this "supposed guarantee" would only act with a franchise in the case of personal injury of up to &e ...

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  • Nájera admits to processing a claim for damage to a vehicle due to a pothole

    Nájera admits to processing a claim for damage to a vehicle due to a pothole

    January 27 , 2022 // Specialty : Liability derived from the use of motor vehicles

    Published in La Rioja

    The driver maintains that a hole next to the pedestrian crossing of the San Fernando school caused the steering of t ...

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