Never stop reading the fine print on Civil Liability insurance

April 07 , 2023 // Specialty : Professional Liability: lawyers, doctors and other professionals

Published in Gaceta Médica

Civil liability is a major concern for any professional, but in the healthcare sector, where the impact of malpractice can be devastating, the need to protect yourself is even greater. There are many risks when choosing a liability policy, and not all insurance companies offer adequate coverage. Therefore, it is essential that doctors carefully look at the fine print of their policies and choose an insurance company that offers them complete and specialized coverage in Health Liability.

Medical professionals are often tempted to cut costs on their CR insurance, especially in an increasingly competitive market where some companies focus exclusively on the price factor. However, this approach can be dangerous in the long term, as it can leave you exposed to serious risks and have disastrous consequences for your career and personal life. Factors such as sublimits per victim, exclusions, the collective annual aggregate or the fact that the lawyers are not external to the company, have sometimes not been taken into account by the doctor and have caused real professional and personal ruin.

In this sense, at Uniteco Profesional we offer Medical Liability insurance that covers all possible contingencies, we work with external lawyers specialized in Health Law who provide efficient defense in case of claims, and in addition, as an independent insurance brokerage, we work for the benefit of the doctor, always looking for the best insurance and the best conditions for him, unlike companies. Our goal is to protect them professionally and emotionally, because there is nothing more important than protecting those who protect us.

By Juan Pablo Núñez, CEO of Uniteco Profesional

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